Hello, I'm Aishley.

I design people-friendly

apps for startups.

based in
Auckland, New Zealand
Last project

Eth Gives

We set out on a mission of simplifying on-chain donations through a better user experience. The situation in Eastern Europe led to Crypto Twitter joining forces to raise funds for Ukraine. Most donations in web 3 at that point were made through an Etherscan link to the donation wallet. At Eth Gives, we aim to standardize donation pages across web 3.

As the lone designer on the project, I recognized two key design objectives. Our donation page must be: (1) easily shareable and recognizable like Link Tree links, and (2) instantly actionable like Uniswap.


Tim Connors

Founder & CEO @ 101.xyz

We worked with Aishley for a year and would love to work with him again. He has an incredible mind for design, grounded in a deep respect for user experience. We've worked with a lot of designers before, but they paled in comparison to Aishley's talent and dedication. Any company would be lucky to have him!

Corbin Page

Founder of Eth Gives, web3 builder, ex ConsenSys

Aishley has been an indispensable member of our team, leading product design and thinking through our user experience at a granular level. He's one of the rare designers that really get the intricacies of Web3 development as well as the general ethos of the movement. It's been a blast working with him and hope to continue doing so on other projects.

Ethan Fisher

Product Manager, Zer0 Tech & Wilder World

Aishley not only has awesome product design fundamentals, he understands the vision of Web3 at a deep level that inspires me each time we explore that future. A great communicator and, best of all, fun to work with!

Recent Work
my principles


Design Process

I take a 3-step design approach when I am working with startups. Especially, early stage ones. The approach is a union between big picture strategy, insight-driven solutions and great UI/UX design. Far too often, we see designers getting completely off track and designing something that is pretty but doesn't help the startup progress toward their long term goals.

1. Big Picture: What are the key problems or opportunities at play right now?
2. Insights: What are some key insights we can trust or pull from in relation to the problem?
3. UI/UX: Given the problem and the insights what is the simplest design solution?


A web3 approach

Web3 takes a bottoms-up approach where users are empowered to manage and own their assets. These assets can be used across many apps, products, and protocols. The composable quality of web3 allows for extended user journeys that flow into one another. The key objective here is to empower users to achieve their goals easily rather than restricting them to a particular platform or a product. This can make the customer journeys in web3 complicated and lengthy, and the designer needs to deeply understand the user and their journey to create successful web3 products.

80/20 rule

The Pareto Principle

The idea behind this rule is that 80% of the value is created by 20% of the effort. To illustrate this in a startup context, it's like saying that 80% of users value 20% of your features. This rule helps me stay lean and avoids feature bloating at the early stages of the build. A great mindset when working with early-stage startups without much experience in this industry. It helps them focus on their true value proposition.


Usability Effect

UI/UX designers are often so focused on providing an exceptional experience that aesthetics are not prioritised. A study shows that users are more likely to ignore user experience flaws on a website pleasing to the eye. This is a valuable insight for early-stage startups since they don't usually have expendable resources that they can spend on user testing and perfecting the user experience.

User First

Human Centered Design

Whether you are designing for web 1, 2, or 3 - ignoring the user is a mistake. Like any other UI/UX designer, the first step of the process is always to build empathy toward the user.


Figma & Figjam

Figma is the most versatile and flexible design tool and is the piece of software that I am most comfortable using. I am well versed in creating prototypes, design systems and managing design sprints on Figma.


Webflow is a no-code website builder that offers flexibility like never before. This enables me to whip up landing pages and run experiments before sending designs to the dev team.


Where do we even start with Notion? I have slowly found myself using Notion for all sorts of things, from product management and roadmaps to handover and feedback journeys.

Other tools

I have used many different tools in the product design space, from the Adobe Suite to Hotjar. I consider myself to be pretty flexible and quick at picking up new software.



I am passionate about creating a better world through my work. I am a firm believer in creating positive externalities through one's actions, and I like to bring the same attitude to my work. I am inspired by founders and startups to support a vision that is greater than the people involved.

Design by iteration

To me, most things seem to be a design problem. I am a self-taught designer. When I was 18, I designed my first ever app for a problem I was facing at the time. The app allowed neighbours to hire students to work on one-off tasks. I designed this in Photoshop, completely ignorant of UI/UX design at the time. But, I enjoyed the process of building and iterating upon something. Little did I know that learning to iterate is probably one of my most valuable skills as a product designer.

Creator before designer

I would probably say I am a creative before a founder or a designer. I am a conceptual thinker who likes finding innovative solutions to common problems. I believe that norms are meant to be challenged and that we are all creators of tools that shape us, so it's our responsibility to think outside the box - beyond what already exists.
