

A learn-to-earn platform with over 400k+ unique wallets.

Objectives, Limitations


  • Position 101 to become the go-to platform for educational content in web3
  • Make it really easy for community designers to create and share content on our platform.
  • Make it really easy for learners to find that content.
  • Create an incentive structure that creates intrinsic value for the earned soul bound tokens.


  • We worked as a small team so I had to be mindful of dev resources while designing.
  • Any radical change had to be deeply explored since the product already had a substantial user base.
Services offered
No items found.
Project Overview

Project Overview

I started working with 101 just after they had raised a round on the basis of their MVP. They had many users and a lot of projects were already sharing content on 101. The platform, at it's core, was enabling web3 products, ecosystems and blockchains, like Ethereum, to share educational content with their audiences. 101 enabled these communities by providing a course builder that made it really easy for community managers to build their learning community. Community members that attempted and finished these courses earned a soul bound token.

101's Value Proposition

101's core value proposition was to make it really easy for products and ecosystems to create an educated community of developers that contribute to their ecosystem.

My role

My role at 101 was to lead the design for the next phase of the product. We had certain problems and certain business goals that we wanted to achieve. We did so by restructuring the product to be much more community oriented.

Design Process

The Process

I used a three-step process to design the next phase for 101. We started with the big picture stuff. Like what some of the goals are for our team. Then we compiled a list of insights that we could trust and lastly, we looked for the simplest possible solution to our problem.

Big Picture

As a product, our paying customers were always going to be developer platforms and ecosystems so we had to closely associate ourselves to their goals. Their key goal was:

To onboard new developers to their product in order to increase revenue.

We saw that access to education and documentation helps people onboard to new products. A prime example was the impact Webflow University had on the startup. So, we wanted to offer web3 products an opportunity to create their own universities.


Very early on we saw that web3 educational content was becoming very popular. With the likes of 'Alchemy University' and other versions of such popping up. The problem with these products were that they required a whole content and dev team that had to be committed to the project. Which was not an option for the new products and startups that were popping up.

So we had to build something that made it really easy to create and edit content

Another insight we gained was that a lot of the web3 community on Twitter liked creating content for other products in exchange for social currency. So we wanted to help products leverage this opportunity by helping them crowdsource educational content. This would reduce the stress on the team.

Design Solution

Given the goal and the insights we decided that there were a few must haves in our solution.

Have an incredibly easy and intuitive course builder
Collaboration and community sourced content is a growth hack for us and the products hosting their content on our platform
A social currency as well as on-chain reward mechanisms will help us in creating an ecosystem around our product

The Result

We designed a product that allowed products and ecosystems to create their own product university where they can publish content as well as allow other educators and creators in the web3 space to create learning content on behalf of the product in exchange for visibility.

Current Status


As of June 2023, 101 is not in business. Even after serving half a million users, 101 struggled to find paying customers and the founders decided to return investor money.

Project Hidden

This project is hidden because of IP concerns. Please check out this case study to get a better idea of my work. Or book a time here for an intro to more of my work.